Taikyoku Shodan - (First cause)
Heian shodan - (Peaceful mind, first level)
Heian nidan - (Peaceful mind, second level)
Heian sandan - (Peaceful mind, third level)
Heian yondan - (Peaceful mind, forth level)
Heian godan - (Peaceful mind, fifth level)
Tekki shodan - (Iron horse riding, first level)
Tekki nidan - (Iron horse riding, second level)
Tekki sandan - (Iron horse riding, third level)
Bassai dai - (To penetrate a fortress - big)
Bassai sho - (To penetrate a fortress - small)
Kanku dai - (To view the sky - big)
Kanku sho - (To view the sky - small)
Jion - (Love & goodness)
Jiin - (Love & shadow)
Jitte - (Ten hands)
Enpi - (Flying swallow)
Hangetsu - (Half moon)
Meikyo - (Bright mirror)
Niju shi ho - (twenty four steps)
Wankan - (King and crown)
Gankaku - (Crane on a rock)
Sochin - (Strength and calm)
Chinte - (Rare hand)
Unsu - (Cloud hands)
Goju shi ho sho - (Fifty four steps - small)
Goju shi ho dai - (Fifty four steps - big)